Venetian Club Scholarship/Bursary – the Venetian Club is awarding a $750 scholarship/bursary to a student who is a child or grandchild of a current member (in good standing) of the Venetian Club.

We are pleased to advise that an additional $500 scholarship/bursary has been donated by Denise Bagnariol, in honour of her Late husband Peter.

All participants must submit a 500-word essay (word document) on the topic noted below. You must include your name, contact information, name of Venetian Club member, relationship to member, the University or College and program you will be attending in Fall 2024.

Topic: What are you currently doing in your community to contribute to the role of being a good citizen in the community? Provide examples to support your activities.

Deadline for Submissions: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Eligibility: Students must be in Grade 12 and have been accepted to attend college or university this Fall 2024 or currently enrolled as a student in college or university.

Questions regarding the bursary: Please contact Otto Morosin – or

Joe Santi –

Submissions: Please submit/email your essays to the attention of Otto Morosin and Joe Santi (emails noted above).

Awarding of the Bursaries: The winners of the bursaries will be notified in August and presented with their respective bursary at the Festitalia Regional dinner on Thursday, September 5th. Good luck to all applicants.

Sunday, August 18, 2024 -Summer Picnic – Confederation Park – Edgewater Pavilion – 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

Porchetta on a bun – served at noon; hot-plated dinner served at 5:00 pm; races and games commence at 3:00 pm with a raffle for great prizes at 6:30 pm.

Check back in July for further details.


To make reservations for the following events, please contact Denise Bagnariol – (905) 383-6794

Thursday, September 5, 2024 – Festitalia Regional Dinner – doors open at 5:30 pm; dinner served at 6:30 pm. Tickets will be available for purchase commencing June 19th! Price – $60/person. Please call before August 21st to reserve.

Menu – Deluxe Antipasto**Rigatoni with meat sauce**Polenta with Spezzatino**Lemon Chicken with Seasonal Vegetables** Roast Potatoes** Salad** Crostoli served with coffee, tea or espresso